Owning a piano means keeping up to date on all of the services it needs to stay in great condition. From simple tunings to small piano repairs in Salt Lake City, pad replacements to string tightening, knowing the needs of your piano is essential if you’re to keep producing beautiful music from it.
At Horton Piano Tuning and Repair, we’re here to make sure your piano gets what it needs—but we also want to make things easy on you, the piano owner. That’s why we’re offering 10% off of any services when you call us today and mention this ad! Whatever needs your piano has, know that we’re ready to take care of them without leaving a dent in your pocketbook!
From chipped keys to broken strings, we’re offering 10% off repairs; whether it’s an off-sounding note or a comprehensive adjustment, we’re giving you 10% off on tuning; and, if you just need your piano touched up and tweaked, we’re more than happy to offer 10% off on restorative services!
Give your piano the benefit of a professional’s touch and give Horton Piano Tuning and Repair a call for comprehensive piano repair in Salt Lake City today. And don’t forget about that 10% discount!