Piano tuning is a complex process that’s measured in the minutia. What this means is that even the smallest change to a piano’s tuning or a single key that’s out of tune can spell disaster for the entire instrument. It also means that not just anyone can or should be trusted with piano tuning in Salt Lake City.
How do you find the right person for the job when your piano is in need of a comprehensive tuning? Simple: find the piano professional with the most years in business, the highest levels of accreditation and the most experience with pianos of all shapes, sizes and calibers. Or, you could just give Horton Piano Tuning and Repair a call! We have more than 60 years of professional piano tuning experience and have worked to fine-tune pianos in all capacities in that time.
What sets Horton Piano Tuning and Repair apart from other piano tuning providers is more than just our tenure—it’s the comprehensive approach we take to piano tuning in Salt Lake City. We see every string, every key and every pedal as part of the whole, which means we give each its own attention in turn, while also making sure the entire thing comes together with beautiful, perfectly attuned sound.
If you’re looking to restore your piano back to its highest levels of tuning alignment, give us a call today and see just what a difference a professional tuning can make!